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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 14, Issue 4, pp. 639-845

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How an Initially Stationary Interface Begins to Move in Porous Medium Flow

D. G. Aronson, L. A. Caffarelli, and S. Kamin

pp. 639-658

Decay to Uniform States in Competitive Systems

Peter N. Brown

pp. 659-673

Completeness of Derivatives of Squared Schrödinger Eigenfunctions and Explicit Solutions of the Linearized KdV Equation

Robert L. Sachs

pp. 674-683

Solutions to the Equations of One-Dimensional Viscoelasticity in BV

Jong Uhn Kim

pp. 684-695

Homogenization and Linear Thermoelasticity

Gilles A. Francfort

pp. 696-708

Oscillation Properties of Solutions of Second Order Elliptic Equations

Norio Yoshida

pp. 709-718

Asymptotic Solutions for a Dirichlet Problem with an Exponential Nonlinearity

J. L. Moseley

pp. 719-735

Bifurcating Instability of the Free Surface of a Ferrofluid

Evan Eugene Twombly and J. W. Thomas

pp. 736-766

A Characterization of the Range of the Divergent Beam x-Ray Transform

David V. Finch and Donald C. Solmon

pp. 767-771

Asymptotic Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations

Philip Hartman

pp. 772-779

The Local Geometric Asymptotics of Continuum Eigenfunction Expansions. II. One-Dimensional Systems

S. A. Fulling

pp. 780-795

Global Properties of Proper Lipschitzian Maps

B. H. Pourciau

pp. 796-799

Mean Convergence and Interpolation in Roots of Unity

A. Sharma and P. Vertesi

pp. 800-806

Turán Inequalities for Ultraspherical and Continuous $q$-Ultraspherical Polynomials

Joaquin Bustoz and Mourad E. H. Ismail

pp. 807-818

Cohen Type Inequalities for Jacobi, Laguerre and Hermite Expansions

C. Markett

pp. 819-833

Weighted Norm Inequalities for Certain Integral Operators

K. F. Andersen and H. P. Heinig

pp. 834-844

Erratum: Hilbert Transform of a Function Having a Bounded Integral and a Bounded Derivative

B. F. Logan

p. 845